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All our workouts were created for your different needs.


This class features mostly traditional Pilates Mat exercises fused with some traditional strength training exercises. Your core will be working the entire time but you'll also get strengthening and toning in the upper and lower body, plus a good relaxing stretch! Here at Higher , we provise the best expertise & guidance on proper form. Choosing the right Pilates Teacher is essential. 

Training on the trampoline focused on technique, rhythm of the music, balancing and management of high performance intervals.

We are the place where you can experience true happiness, where you can be yourself and always feel welcome, more than a studio, we are a home, more than a community, we are a family.

For us it's never just been about jumping to the beat of the music, it's about what we feel, connect, discover, learn, grow and let go your fear. We invite you to challenge yourself, take your mind and body to a whole new level, break your own limits, create awareness and just have fun enjoying yourself.

Welcome home, welcome to our family. 

Challenge yourself.

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